Vancouver Island Mini Tour
Thursday, November 25, 2010 at 01:13AM
clean bin movie

I'll let the phots speak for themselves on this one. (You can check out more here)

All I can say is if you have never been to the gulf islands you are missing out. We ended up hitting Mayne Island during a craft fair tour, so I was in my element. A whirl wind island/recycling center tour, a great lunch, a cozy dinner, a packed house and a lovely stay at a local farm made for a perfect weekend.

Thanks to Ann who is an impassioned environmental advocate, zero waster, and all round go getter, and who saw us at the RCBC conference way back when and insited we come for a visit. Thanks also to Helen and John for sharing their beautiful farm with us.

From Mayne we went to Nanaimo where Grant grew up. His parents had been working tirelessly to coordinate a screening sposored by the Regional District of Nanaimo and Vancouver Island's Office of Sustainability. Lot's of people in the audience knew Grant from his "throw the McDonalds out the car window" days, so I think they were pretty surprised by the changes he has made. Thanks to Linda, Margot, Michelle, Sharon, Mick, and Sue. You guys are great!

Our final stop was in Victoria. Open Cinema organized the standing room only show. They follow their films with a discussion panel, so Grant and I got to sit along Monique from the Regional District and Jason from Refuse (check them out - they are doing some great recycling/compisting stuff). It was fun and kind of refreshing to let someone else lead the questions for a change, and it was really helpful to have have local experts on hand that can speak to what is happening in Victoria right now.

Once again, there was a team of awesome people who made this screening happen. Mandy, Denise, Monique, and Jason: thank you for inviting us and doing so much planning towards and successful event!

We just have one more screening before we take a little winter break (we need to hunker down and get this darn DVD finished). You can catch us on Bowen Island on Sat, Nov 27 at 7:30pm. See you there!


Article originally appeared on the clean bin project: documentary film about zero waste (
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