Sunshine Coast

We had a great weekend on the Sunshine Coast with three back to back screenings in Powell River, Gibsons (Yay Green Film Series), and at the Sea to Sky Outdoor School.
In Powell River (which was truly a charming town), we got a personal tour of the fabulous Patricia Theatre from Ann (operating since the 1920's) and were hosted by the equally fabulous and community minded Karen from Pebble in the Pond, The Cranberry Hall Society, the local radio station, etc, etc (she's a busy lady).
We also spent some quality time in Powell River's own zero waste store! Check out the short that Grant made while we were in there:
Our Gibsons screening atracted none other than the Mayor, and once again we got to swap stories with some amazing folks. Thanks to Karen, Michelle, Ann, Billie, Beverly, Tim, Ann, Buddy, and Barb.
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